Module edupage_api.module
class EdupageModule
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class EdupageModule: subdomain: str session: requests.Session data: dict is_logged_in: bool gsec_hash: str username: str
Class variables
var data : dict
var gsec_hash : str
var is_logged_in : bool
var session : requests.sessions.Session
var subdomain : str
var username : str
class Module (edupage: EdupageModule)
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class Module: def __init__(self, edupage: EdupageModule): self.edupage = edupage
class ModuleHelper
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class ModuleHelper: # Helper Functions @staticmethod def parse_int(val: str) -> Optional[int]: try: return int("".join(filter(str.isdigit, val))) except ValueError: return None """ If any argument of this function is none, it throws MissingDataException """ @staticmethod def assert_none(*args): if None in args: raise MissingDataException() @staticmethod def parse_enum(string: str, enum_type: Enum): filtered = list(filter(lambda x: x.value == string, list(enum_type))) if not filtered: return None return filtered[0] @staticmethod def return_first_not_null(*args): for x in args: if x: return x @staticmethod def urlencode(string: str) -> str: return urllib.parse.quote(string) @staticmethod def encode_form_data(data: dict) -> str: output = "" for i, key in enumerate(data.keys(), start=0): value = data[key] entry = f"{ModuleHelper.urlencode(key)}={ModuleHelper.urlencode(value)}" output += f"&{entry}" if i != 0 else entry return output @staticmethod def strptime_or_none(date_string: str, format: str) -> Optional[datetime]: try: return datetime.strptime(date_string, format) except ValueError: return None # Decorators """ Throws NotLoggedInException if someone uses a method with this decorator and hasn't logged in yet """ @staticmethod def logged_in(method): @wraps(method) def __impl(self: Module, *method_args, **method_kwargs): if not self.edupage.is_logged_in: raise NotLoggedInException() return method(self, *method_args, **method_kwargs) return __impl @staticmethod def online_lesson(method): @wraps(method) def __impl(self, *method_args, **method_kwargs): if self.online_lesson_link is None: raise NotAnOnlineLessonError() return method(self, *method_args, **method_kwargs) return __impl """ Throws NotParentException if someone uses a method with this decorator and is not using a parent account """ @staticmethod def is_parent(method): @wraps(method) def __impl(self: Module, *method_args, **method_kwargs): if "Rodic" not in self.edupage.get_user_id(): raise NotParentException() return method(self, *method_args, **method_kwargs) return __impl
Static methods
def assert_none(*args)
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@staticmethod def assert_none(*args): if None in args: raise MissingDataException()
def encode_form_data(data: dict) ‑> str
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@staticmethod def encode_form_data(data: dict) -> str: output = "" for i, key in enumerate(data.keys(), start=0): value = data[key] entry = f"{ModuleHelper.urlencode(key)}={ModuleHelper.urlencode(value)}" output += f"&{entry}" if i != 0 else entry return output
def is_parent(method)
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@staticmethod def is_parent(method): @wraps(method) def __impl(self: Module, *method_args, **method_kwargs): if "Rodic" not in self.edupage.get_user_id(): raise NotParentException() return method(self, *method_args, **method_kwargs) return __impl
def logged_in(method)
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@staticmethod def logged_in(method): @wraps(method) def __impl(self: Module, *method_args, **method_kwargs): if not self.edupage.is_logged_in: raise NotLoggedInException() return method(self, *method_args, **method_kwargs) return __impl
def online_lesson(method)
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@staticmethod def online_lesson(method): @wraps(method) def __impl(self, *method_args, **method_kwargs): if self.online_lesson_link is None: raise NotAnOnlineLessonError() return method(self, *method_args, **method_kwargs) return __impl
def parse_enum(string: str, enum_type: enum.Enum)
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@staticmethod def parse_enum(string: str, enum_type: Enum): filtered = list(filter(lambda x: x.value == string, list(enum_type))) if not filtered: return None return filtered[0]
def parse_int(val: str) ‑> int | None
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@staticmethod def parse_int(val: str) -> Optional[int]: try: return int("".join(filter(str.isdigit, val))) except ValueError: return None
def return_first_not_null(*args)
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@staticmethod def return_first_not_null(*args): for x in args: if x: return x
def strptime_or_none(date_string: str, format: str) ‑> datetime.datetime | None
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@staticmethod def strptime_or_none(date_string: str, format: str) -> Optional[datetime]: try: return datetime.strptime(date_string, format) except ValueError: return None
def urlencode(string: str) ‑> str
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@staticmethod def urlencode(string: str) -> str: return urllib.parse.quote(string)